I've been trying to figure out what to do with my old Dell Inspiron Laptop. First I checked Buy-back quotes and the value was a meager $70. I knew this laptop was worth a lot more than that, but could I get someone to buy it for its actual value, probably not. So, I was in a predicament. Then I got to thinking, it may not be worth much to me, but it could be useful to another person. Donating the laptop to someone in need sounded like a noble idea to me. So, I propose to you, reader of my blog who do you know that could really use a laptop? Send me an email stating in one paragraph why you could really use this laptop and I will gladly give you it, no strings attached. Email me at TrustMeMayne@gmail.com
Hi, my name is John Palm, I am interested in the laptop that you are donating. I am the owner of Computer Nerds Inc. If you were to make the donation I could then offer you a receipt for tax purposes. Then you would get close to it's full value.
Hi my name is Desiree, and i 'm interested in the laptop. i'm a young single mother in college, just started. it would be very helpful to me and my children. so i could spend more time at home and less at school.please email me. thank you
Hi, my name is John Palm, I am interested in the laptop that you are donating. I am the owner of Computer Nerds Inc. If you were to make the donation I could then offer you a receipt for tax purposes. Then you would get close to it's full value.
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Hi my name is Desiree, and i 'm interested in the laptop. i'm a young single mother in college, just started. it would be very helpful to me and my children. so i could spend more time at home and less at school.please email me. thank you
Out of a dozen people Desiree got the laptop. Enjoy :-)